Hawk Mod v1.5 by Hawk Adding additional petfood: Sardine Cans -> Venomous Dragon Salmon -> Ice Drake Starfish -> Watcher Emperor Jellyfish -> Raspberry Gel The "new" monsters are just slightly modified versions of existing monsters... I just changed the names a little to avoid any conflict of identical monsters appearing in Fate's monster.dat file. Balancing on spellcasting ability of Watcher Emperor needed, currently testing at 70 in all magic skills. Additional testing/input needed regarding min-levels for finding the new petfood items v1.2: Made 'new' creatures align to good, and unable to appear as enemies, only pets. v1.3: Added Jellyfish to transform to Ruby Gels, renamed to Raspberry Gel in case modifications need to be made to pet without affecting base monster... v1.4: Changed Raspberry Gel to be identical to pet, except for resistances/bonuses to attacks etc... V1.5 Changed Raspberry Gel to Blood Gel, fire resistance, life steal, better stats. Balance-wise should be slightly above creeping widow. [NEW] :Venomous Dragon :Ice Drake :Watcher Emperor :Blood Gel :Flawless Sardine Can :Fingerling Sardine Can :Small Sardine Can :Lunker Sardine Can :Flawless Salmon :Fingerling Salmon :Small Salmon :Lunker Salmon :Flawless Starfish :Fingerling Starfish :Small Starfish :Lunker Starfish :Flawless Jellyfish :Fingerling Jellyfish :Small Jellyfish :Lunker Jellyfish