Hi all, To anyone looking at these thanks for downloading such a mamoth collection. I hope that these help you to learn a little more about modeling or at least learn how little I knew, lol. I hope you can use these to make your own fine creations and as a basis for unleashing your own creativity. You will find the town files very useful as you can totally switch the types of merchant/questgivers to make a town that suits your specific needs or the needs of your character at the time. I hereby give anyone permission to use these models to create their own altered versions for their own mods. While such a statement invites abuse, I ask you to please be considerate and not release "The Better Sonic Mod - the mod that fixes everything that Maestro did wrong because he is such and amateur" :) But to truly alter and get CREATIVE and come up with your own spin on my ideas before release. Also for those wanting to do recolors and such you will find it much easier to do in max and can change reflectivity, opacity and have more control over alterations, so it is really useful for that. That said I hope you really enjoy this! Thanks, Tim