A classic sorceress, the High Elf is well-versed in three powerful magic disciplines. Some of her spells can be cast with no more than a simple mouse movement! In addition, the High Elf's magic can be used in conjunction with her hand-to-hand combat, making her an able fighter.


High Elf
High Elves are free Elves who fled from the south a great many moons ago. High Elven nobility holds sway over the northern regions of Ancaria; controlling T-Energy streams and the Great Machine itself. However, the powers of the High Elves are limited as only the High Priests have direct access to the T-Energy streams and the Great Machine.

Due to problems with the T-Energy streams and the Great Machine the influence of the High Elven nobility is slowly dwindling and in certain areas civil war has already broken out. This has recently led to an increasingly tense atmosphere between Nobles and High Priests. Additionally, the ruling bodies not longer see eye to eye in many cases. Everyone holding a position of power is attempting to secure his or her influence during these times of insecurity.

The executive powers do not lie in the hands of the High Elven rulers (except for a few special factions)but instead lie with “created” or bred soldier-like creatures. While the world around them is deterioratingthe High Elven generals are losing control over their units. Insurrection and plundering are now commonplace (this creates ample opportunities to implement side quests).

The Adept is a member of one of the ruling families and as such her demeanor is aristocratic. She is knowledgeable of the ancient Elven spells and thus she is very powerful in battle.

The Adept is tall and slender and moves with inimitable grace. Her robes are colorful and adorned with numerous runes.