This section explains some of the backstory behind Sacred 2. It also explains a little bit about the world that is Ancaria and its history.


For aeons, The Creator has been designing worlds. He populated each of these worlds with an intelligent race to ensure He would be worshipped. Since the beginning of time, the Seraphim and their leaders – the Archangels – have been by his side to assist him. And thus the cycle remained in harmony, until the Archangels took it upon themselves to forge their own world. They siphoned the ethereal creative energy without their Creator’s knowledge and used it to forge their own planetary creation, placing several intelligent races upon it. Each of these races were given the freedom to pursue their own goals. The Archangels named this world Ancaria.

It was not before long that The Creator became aware of their doings. However, instead of destroying Ancaria he chose to banish the Seraphim to this world and ordered them to protect it. He would only set foot on Ancaria if and when the Seraphim were able to unite all races. Alas, this was not to happen. The High Elves, the preferred race of the Seraphim, took advantage of the creative energy instilled within the very essence of the world. During the following years the Elven hierarchy crafted an environment for themselves in which they were unconditionally regarded as supreme rulers. Still, even amongst the High Elves this plan was subject to controversy.

A devastating civil war ensued, with many deaths and horrific losses. The Seraphim suffered tremendously, losing many of their kind during the bloodshed. When the war came to an end, the High Elves segregated into several tribes. Some steadfastly refused to harness the creative energy and turned to nature as a new way of life. Those High Elves advocating the use of creative energy divided into two factions: The first strived to return the world and its races back to its former glory, with the second - a largely religious group - intending to use the creative energy to spread a ‘cleansing’ fire over Ancaria, determined to emerge as leaders when the fire has fulfilled its purpose. Another civil war looms impatiently on the ever-darkening horizon…

Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel takes place 2.000 years before Sacred / Sacred Underworld and leads the player into a world where the creative energy is still active. Many familiar events have not yet taken place and thus, the Humans are still predominantly servants or slaves of the High Elves. The Dwarves still enjoy their somewhat distanced existence, and the world is full of differences to the days and events that will occur in Sacred and Sacred Underworld.

Furthermore, two completely different routes to follow the story and to actively influence the world of Ancaria have been implemented. Characters may decide whether to follow the path of Light or the path of Shadow. Both sides are equally strong and they regard the world from alternative perspectives with opposing aims and quests. However, the Seraphim and her counterpart, the Inquisitor, are both fixed in their allegiance and cannot choose their paths as their basic alignment is always good and evil respectively. Thus, they will continue to fight according to their pre-determined heritage.

Players may choose their character class and, if selecting one of the Shadow Warrior, High Elf Adept, Dryad or Temple Guardian classes, the decision of whether to follow the Light or the Shadow becomes a choice of the player. The storyline of both sides will overlap at times: Quest givers and allies of one side may be targets or opponents on the other side. The non-player characters will also react accordingly and act depending on their alignment.

The individualization of the characters – especially in the multiplayer games – will increase the aspect of roleplaying. Players decide the development of their character; whether their preference lies with playing alone or in a group in order to gain experience, or perhaps the ultimate objective is to seek the challenge of fighting against other players. Even avatars of the same character class will vary greatly in appearance, alignment and abilities, depending on the individual preferences of the players. Sacred is not all change though – it remains true to itself and offers full single player and an enhanced multiplayer mode with the popular addictive gameplay style that remains rooted at the very core of the action.

Just like the character classes, the eleven regions that can be explored in Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel boast individual designs. The High Elf regions outside of their cities have individual characteristics just like the home regions of the Seraphim or those of the Orcs. Flora, fauna and architecture have been adapted according to race, social status and technological development.

Sacred 2 – Fallen Angel is a living, breathing fantasy world and is the perfect setting for Action RPG heroes to carve their own legends.

Last modified: Sun October 09, 2011 - 22:12:44