Check this page regularly for hosted videos and links to other sites with videos of Sacred 2.


Pevils Place Hosted Videos
Sacred 2 Trailer - Windows Media Player, 43mb
Sacred 2 Day and Night Cycle - Windows Media Player, 3Mb
Sacred 2 Day and Night (High Quality) - Realplayer, Windows Media Player, 34Mb

External Video Links - Teaser Trailer
Gamertag Radio - Exclusive 30 mins presentation from CDV
Giant Realm
Leipzig Games Convention Trailer #2 '07
Leipzig Games Convention Trailer '07
MySpace - Blind Guardian teaser
Strategy Informer Trailer
E3 '06 Gameplay Trailer
Official Youtube Channel - collection of all Sacred 2: Fallen Angel videos

Last modified: Sun October 09, 2011 - 22:12:44