Wolfe's Lair

S2FA Unique Items S2FA


Before you browse through the Unique Item database you might want to know a few things...

1. Unique items are not ALL truly unique anymore. A large number of them are randomly generated by the game when they drop. This means that you are EXTREMELY unlikely to ever find two generated items of the same name that also have the same modifiers. However, there are some unique items that were "handmade", it has been estimated that there are about 200 of these handmade items. With the handmade items you will get the same name and same modifiers, the modifier values will increase with higher level versions of the items just like Sacred 1.

2. There is another new aspect to Unique items as well. You may find an item early on that has say 2 modifiers, then you might find the same item at a higher level and although it still has the same 2 modifiers as the lower level version it ALSO has a few more modifiers to it. Here is an example for you:

That being said, I will try to do my best to only include HANDMADE Unique items to this database. If you discover that I have accidentally included any randomly generated items please let me know so that I may remove them. Likewise, if you discover a handmade item that I HAVE NOT included please send me a screenshot of it so that I can add it to the database.


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Wolfe's Lair © copyright 2006 by Lisa Dravyn
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