Wolfe's Lair

S2FA Kobolds S2FA

Text and images provided by Ascaron, the Original Post is updated regularly by Carolyn Hacker.

Race Summary:

Enemy Type: Kobold
Family: Earth Spirit
Behavior: Social among themselves, hostile towards almost anybody larger than themselves, allied with Trolls
Distribution: Northwest Ancaria
Population: Very High
Size: Tiny
Power: Weak
Attitude: Chaotic-evil
Quote: Grab 'em and hack 'em!

Kobolds are mean little pests infesting the western regions of Ancaria. Treacherous, cunning and unscrupulous, they will always defend the territory they currently consider their own. They are also big cowards, avoiding direct confrontations whenever they can and preferring to fight with superior numbers or in ambushes - both, if possible.

Kobolds live together in clans and tribes, worshiping idols and totems – or the stuff currently boiling in the pots on their fires. Often their clans are at loggerheads. Fights and skirmishes are the order of the day. But when facing a common enemy, they fight side by side.

The Kobold Peon:

Ordinary Kobolds are neither warriors nor shamans. They are simply part of their clan, just peons among countless other peons. These Kobolds don't like leaving the security of their camps, and the vicinity of their cooking pots.
The Kobold Warrior:

Kobold warriors are exactly that: warriors. They know little more than combat, eating and drinking. Kobolds don't follow any particular combat strategy. Instead, they run after their leader and beat or poke anything he beats or pokes. They don't care whether their victim is a deer or a dragon.
The Kobold Leader:

It takes a lot for a Kobold grunt to become a leader. He must have strength and courage, but also the ability to size up the enemy. Kobold leaders are both the warrior and intellectual elite to their people.
The Kobold Hunter:

Kobold hunters are ranged fighters supporting the warriors from a safe distance. One could argue that Kobold hunters are slightly bigger cowards than their already quite cowardly brethren. In the past, Kobold hunters used to prepare their arrows with poisons and other potions. That approach turned out to be rather unsuitable, because it is a custom among Kobolds to feast on their fallen enemies.
The Kobold Mage:

Kobold mages are Kobolds that, by some means unknown to us, managed to gain access to magical lore. Thanks to a special kind of natural magic exclusive to Kobolds, they can cast a variety of spells. Usually they use a plague ball, but there also have been sightings of Kobold mages summoning elementals. Each Kobold shaman carries a totem of his own with him, using it as a magical catalyst. The totems are their owners' most precious belonging.


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