

The Gladiator is the ultimate close-combat warrior, skilled and trained to use most weapons. Gladiators fight with both brute force and amazing agility, taunting opponents before crushing them into the dirt.


Beginning Attribute Stats:

Strength Endurance Dexterity Physical Regeneration Mental Regeneration Charisma


19 20 25 0 11






Beginning Concentration Improves the regeneration rate of all combat arts.
Weapon Lore Opponents suffer more damage from close and ranged combat attacks.
Level 3 Dual Wielding Enables the wielding of two weapons during combat, increases attack value and speed.
Unarmed Combat Increases the speed and effectiveness of hand to hand attacks in close combat (bare hands or combat gauntlets).
Ranged Combat Increases the speed and effectiveness of attacks with ranged weapons.
Axe Lore Increases the speed and effectiveness of attacks with axes.
Armor Increases armor class and decreases the encumbrance caused by armor.
Sword Lore Increases the speed and effectiveness of attacks with swords.
Agility Increases defense and attack values during combat.
Constitution Increases life energy and improves it's regeneration rate.
Level 6 Riding Enables the riding of superior horses.
Level 12 Disarming Increases the chances of disarming opponents during combat.
Level 20 Long-handled Weapons Increases the speed and effectiveness of attacks with long-handled weapons.
Level 30 Parrying Attacks can be parried (deflected) with weapons and shields.
Level 50 Trading Merchants will offer their goods cheaper and are more likely to offer special items.



Attack: +1
Regeneration Special Move: +10%
Awe: +1
Constitution: +2
Back-Breaker: +1
Constitution: +2
Combat Kick
Combat Kick: +1
Regeneration Special Move: +10%
Dagger Stare
Dagger Stare: +1
Constitution: +2
Fist of the Gods
Fist of the Gods: +1
Constitution: +2
Hard Hit
Hard Hit: +1
Regeneration Special Move: +10%
Heroic Courage
Heroic Courage: +1
Constitution: +2
Multi-hit: +1
Regeneration Special Move: +10%
Stomping Jump
Stomping Jump: +1
Constitution: +2

Throwing Blades
Throwing Blades: +1
Constitution: +2


Combat Arts and Skills:

Combat Art Concentration
Attack X
Awe X
Back-Breaker X
Combat Kick X
Dagger Stare X
Fist of the Gods X
Hard Hit X
Heroic Courage X
Multi-hit X
Stomping Jump X
Throwing Blades X



Combat Arts
Attack: The Gladiator executes a combination of knee, elbow and fist attacks against his opponent.
Awe: The Gladiator raises his hands towards the sky and is granted a fearful aura in response. All opponents surrounding the Gladiator are thrown back in awe.
Back-breaker: The Gladiator seizes an opponent and throws him to the ground. The opponent will suffer damage and will stay down for a while because it will be dazed.
Combat Kick: The Gladiator knocks his opponent backwards and causes additional combat damage.
Dagger Stare: The Gladiator concentrates and gains a pulsing aura of glowing spikes. Opponents who approach this ring of spikes will suffer damage.
Fist of the Gods: The Gladiator focuses all available power in his fist and punches his opponent. The explosive hit will strike at one target.
Hard Hit: The Gladiator strikes out at his opponent with a single, particularly hard blow.
Heroic Courage: The Gladiator clenches his fists and gains a shimmering aura of pugnacity, increasing his combative nature. The Gladiator's attack and defense values will increase for a brief period.
Multi-hit: The Gladiator swings his weapon around in a circle and strikes all nearby opponents.
Stomping Jump: This is a powerful jump. Upon impact, the ground shakes and all opponents in the area are briefly stunned.
Throwing Blades: The Gladiator will throw one or both of his weapons at the opponent, which will inflict increased damage. Any weapon that is thrown will remain on the floor near the target.

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