Babylon 5 Ship
The Babylon 5 Ship is obviously a tribute to the television show Babylon 5.
To start out the best point is the main entrance to the Dryad Forest, located at the X below:

Once inside follow the path below to the platform marked by the X. When you get to the platform there will be a open area in the fence that will allow you to walk along a path in the trees, shown by the second X:

When you reach the end of the forest path there will be a wooden elevator thing hanging in the trees:

Walk inside it and you will be brought to a cave that has two main rooms:

The first room has writing on the ground as seen above, it's hard to read but what it says is "If you go to Zhadum you will die". According to some research that AREA666 did for this tutorial Zhadum is the homeworld of the Shadows on Babylon 5. The second room cannot be seen above because the moment you enter it the Babylon 5 Ship will kill you with a single shot of it's lasers (you can't kill or attack it so don't bother trying):

In front of the Ship you will see a item laying on the ground. If you get too close to the Ship, however, it will shoot you with its purple laser as shown above. For those who play in Hardcore you will be happy to know that the death isn't a real one, but you will be taken to the starting island just like a real death.
There are two methods I know of to get the sword that the Ship guards... The first is to go with a group of people and to have everybody charge in and hope somebody gets through. I have never done it personally but I have talked to people who say it works, even with a group of only two people.
If you play SP you might be out of luck. But if you play a Vamp I know a method that works for her. First you will want to summon as many bats as you can and your wolf. Or you can bring dead enemies to life. But either way you want a bunch of minions to be your fodder. Next you go along the outer-wall on the right side, you should find you can get about halfway to the Ship before it attacks. Hopefully it will attack your minions first and if it does then you can run to the sword and attempt to run away after picking it up. Or you can use the time travel to get to it faster, grab it, and still have time to travel to the door.
The sword you get will vary in names and stats. Most of the time it is just a white level item with no sockets. Sometimes it will have a socket, or be a blue level with a socket. The damage it does is typically magic or poison although the example here is the first time I had gotten one that did physical. So far I haven't gotten one that does fire. Here is the sword I got:

Here is an example if you are lucky enough to get the unique version:

Strategy written by: AREA666