Thorwyn's Club


Thorwyn's Club is always in the same location and you can go back and get it again each difficulty level for a better version. Or if you are playing Multi-player you can get it as often as you want so that you can dual wield them or check and see if you will get a slightly better version as you level.


To reach Thorwyn's Club start in Hedgenton and go South to the first X marked below:

At the X you will find a cave, enter it and walk all the way through to the exit on the Eastern side:

When you exit the cave you will be in a small clearing (marked by the second X on the above map):

At the X marked above under the tree is a grave:

If you click on the grave the following message will pop up:

Thorwyn's Club will now be laying on the ground next to the grave (there is the glad wielding it):



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