Tristram Town
Tristram is a tribute to the game Diablo, which has a nearly identical town in it... notice not only the people and objects marked below but also the position of the rivers and buildings. They even included the hole in the ground that is filled with lava next to the healers building!
Tristram town from Diablo:

Tristram Town from Sacred Underworld:

Tristram is North of Moorbrook, at the X:

The people in town are all marked by white dots:

When you first enter town it appears just like any other town, filled with townsfolk:

A lot of people miss the townsfolk by the graveyard and the witch's house, also don't miss the one standing outside of the Northern most house:

If you speak to any of the townsfolk they will all tell you the same four things over and over:

If you go to the center of the village like they tell you to (just above the well as marked above by the yellow diamond) the entire village will turn into unique zombies and attack you. There is a Bartender, Smith, Healer, Witch, and 14 Peasants:

They are really good for experience and usually will have some pretty good drops.