Closed Multiplayer Lobby


So you made it to multiplayer but not sure what to do or what you CAN do? I'll give you a quick tour of the lobby...


When you first login to multiplayer with your character this is where you end up:


The top left box shows you all the available game servers...

Private Games- there are a limited amount of slots available to create private games but the number tends to change on occasion so I won't bother to list how many. Private games are games that you decide what difficulty level, what character level, how many players and if it has a password or not.

Clanserver- the clanserver  is no longer in operation

Free Game (difficulty level)- these game are totally open for anyone to join but there is a limit of 16 players per game

Free Game 4 Players (difficulty level)- these game are totally open for anyone to join but there is a limit of 4 players per game

The games that have "level <10" after them are the same as the others except no one with a character above level 10 can enter them.

Playerkiller (difficulty level)- these are just open games with the same limit of 16 players the only difference is that you can kill other player's characters in these games whereas you can't harm them in the others

The bottom left box is your chat screen, this is where you can type commands or chat with other players in the lobby. This is also how you add people to your friends list.

The top right box is a list of all players that are currently in the lobby. Also if you type someone's account name in the Search field you can find out if they are online and what game they are in even if they are NOT on your friends list.

The bottom right box shows a picture of the player's character that you have selected above and it is also where you can alter your Profile or view someone else's.

When entering a game it is pretty simple... choose the type you want and when you reach the next screen just click on one of the available games and enter it. The only one that might need some explanation is Private Games. When you enter Private Games you will get this menu:

You can either enter an existing game or Create your own if there is a slot available for a new private game. I'll start off with telling you want to symbols by the games mean:


Level Limitation (if it appears you know that you are NOT the right difficulty level to enter that game)
Gold (the image changes depending on what difficulty the game is as you can see)
Free for All (Hack 'n Slash game)
Playerkiller (PVP game)
Unlocked Session (the game is open for new players, it would be locked if the game was full)
Password Protected

Now if you want to Create your own game click on create and you will get this menu:

There are five fields that you can alter to create your game. First you choose what the name of the game will be, this is what people will see in the lobby. Next if you want to give the game a password to limit access you can, you can leave it blank if you don't want a password though. Then you can choose whether you want to create a Hack 'n Slash or PVP game (just click on an arrow on the side of that button to change it). Next you can decide to limit the amount of players you want in the game, the default and MAX number is 16, just click the arrows to change it. Lastly you can choose which difficulty level you want to game to be, note that you can only choose a level that YOUR character can enter. When you are done click Start Game and you will automatically enter your new game.

Lastly I will explain the Profiles to you... Here is the Profile box:

When in a lobby you can click on anyone's name that is in the lobby with you and their character picture will appear on the left hand side (I was alone however). If you want to view their profile just click on Profile under their character picture, note that most people have never filled in their profiles. But it would look something like this:

If you want to edit YOUR profile then click on the Profile button under your character's picture:

There are only two parts that might not be totally self-explanatory. First next to your E-mail address is a circle if you click on it to "check it" your E-mail address will be viewable by everyone, but if you don't want people to see it then leave the circle empty. This is how you update your E-mail address with Ascaron if you have changed addresses since creating your account. The second thing is the password fields will automatically fill in to your current password, if you want you can change those fields to change your password. When done click send.

And there are the lobby basics!

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