Enemy Stats


If your hold the mouse over an opponent a box will pop up with the opponent's Level, Name, Type, and some Resistance Symbols. Below are a few examples of what you might see:


The first thing you may notice is that the above opponent's names are in different colors...


White Normal opponent
Blue Champion opponent
Yellow Boss opponent


Second the life ring around the feet of your opponents will vary depending on their level...


Gray Too Easy!
Green Easy
Yellow Moderate
Orange Difficult
Red Very Difficult
Red zigzag Champion
Red arrow Enemy Boss

Lastly there are up to four resistance symbols, the brighter the symbol is the higher the opponent's resistance is against that damage type....


Physical Resistance
Fire Resistance
Magic Resistance
Poison Resistance

One other way to find out even more information about your opponents is to open your inventory and hover your mouse over the enemy headshot between your Attack/Defense and your To Hit % stats. This will show you even more information, but only about the last enemy you fought, here is an example:

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