Dwarven Forge Lore


The Dwarf has a special skill called Forge Lore that allows him to forge items like a Blacksmith, he even has his own special Blacksmith Arts. Below is a full description of this special skill....


How to Forge:

If you have chosen the Forge Lore skill a button will appear above your jewelry in your inventory box:

To start forging simply click on the Forge button above and a box just like the Blacksmith's will pop up:

(NOTE: you can open this box at any time regardless of where your character is or what it is doing, although  I wouldn't suggest forging in the middle of a battle)


Max Forge Levels:

If you are playing a level 216 Dwarf the highest you can raise Forge Lore without gear is 216. However, if you equip items that have + to skills or + to Forge Lore you can get it as high as level 255.

Stats for level 216 Forge Lore:


Stats for level 255 Forge Lore (note that at level 255 the stats show a tad different when you look at the actual skill vs. what pops up when you hover over the Forge button):



Dwarf Blacksmith Arts:

 (NOTE: The percentages of the above Arts are maxed out.)

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