Multiplayer Etiquette



General Etiquette

1)   DO NOT use profane language in game! Not only is it totally offensive to a lot of people but there might also be younger children playing and there is no need whatsoever to subject them to your profanity. Also in addition to not using foul language please do not type in all caps... this is considered yelling in game and will be considered as rude behavior.

2)  DO NOT beg for items or gold! People in this game are usually more than willing to help each other out and will quite often offer free gear to you or just drop a bunch of items they don't need on the island for people to take. Therefore there is no need to spam over and over asking everyone for free stuff. Also if someone DOES drop a ton of items on the island do not be greedy. Take only what you can use so that others can get some some stuff too. Most importantly DO NOT grab a ton of items that were dropped and just sell them to the merchant. This is totally rude as someone else could really use the actual items. It is also important to say "thank you" when someone gives you free stuff.

3) Don't arrive in a game and get angry if someone doesn't answer you immediately. If they are in the middle of a large mob it may take a while to get to a point that they can type without getting killed. So have some patience.

4)  Don't stand on Haven Island and "show off" with your magic (or combat arts). It's very annoying to be on the island trying to trade with other players or use one of the NPCs. First of all it makes it almost impossible to read what other players write in the trade screen when you're having a lot of graphic stuff going on in the background, and second it really eats up the graphics so all those who have computers which aren't top of the line get a lot of lag in their games.

5) DO NOT enter a private game started by someone you do not know and either ask for freebies, to trade or to have the password to join them. People create PRIVATE games for a reason which is usually that they don't want to be bothered by people they don't know so don't follow them in order to harass them. If you want to trade go to a public game!

6)  If you enter a game with a lot of players that are lower level than you please take a moment to ask where people are located before you leave the island. If you go barging in to an area that a much lower level character is you will cause the monster level to raise and could get them killed. To avoid unintentional kills my monster spawning, don't use the Bellevue portal to get to your destination. Instead use the tower portal to Mascarell and use the regular portal there to reach your desired hunting ground. Each region sets the level of the monsters to the highest available player level in the region; which means in Bronze that Bellevue will have level 4 monsters and those are just too hard to kill for brand new characters.

7)  DO NOT take the reward for a quest that you did not accept!!! It is very rude to steal rewards so either don't do it ever or at least ask if anyone is planning to come get the reward before you take it.

8) If you are playing in a multiplayer game with more than just YOUR friends then please don't chat to specific people openly. Use private chat instead so that the screen doesn't fill with chatter. This can make it really hard for people to see what is going on in their screens, particularly if they are trading or shopping. So please reserve open chat for only when you want to say or ask everyone in the game something.


Partying Etiquette

1)  Don't spam people asking for an invite to a party! First of all they may be in the middle of a mob and can't answer you without getting themselves killed. Secondly they might not want to party with you for some reason and you have no right to harass them for an invite. To continue that thought if they say no do not sit there begging and asking them why, just accept that they don't want to party with you and move on. On another note if someone has asked you to party and you do not want to please just tell them so that they are not sitting there waiting for an answer.

2)  If you are partied with someone much higher level than you so that you can leech exp than you have no right to ANY drops so don't start grabbing up anything without asking. The other person is doing all of the work so they have the right to all of the drops not to mention you won't be able to use any of the gear for many levels. On the same token if you are the higher level player it is nice to leave character specific items for the person you are helping if they have a different character than you.

3)  If you are partied with someone much higher level than you than please do not attack the monsters because you are bored or trying to help... if you are that much lower in level your attacks will be totally ineffective and only cause the monsters to attack you. This makes it difficult for the person helping you since they have to keep rescuing you.

4) If you are playing with someone a much lower level than you please do not leave the game without warning them, this may leave them surrounded by much higher level monsters and cause their death.


Item Drop Etiquette

This is a big one that a lot of people don't seem to be able to work out. If you are partied with another person that is close enough in level to you that they are sharing in the killing of monsters than they deserve an equal share of the drops. I have a good way of ensuring that this is kept fair.....

1) For all rune drops: A character specific rune automatically goes to the person who has that character, unless you are both of that class in which case each person gets every other rune that drops regardless of type. All runes that are NOT of a character class that is in the party should be picked up on an every other basis as well. That way you both should leave the game with an equal amount of runes.

2) For all items drops: The same as runes when it comes to class specific items. As far as uniques, they should be taken on an every other basis as well. 

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