Resistance Bonus & Aura


What Are Armor Glows and Resistance Bonuses?

Written by: myleslhk

Armor Glow/ Resistance Bonuses:

Armor Glow- The visual representation of resistance bonus(es). i.e. A vivid color change in how your character looks when you acquire one or more of the resistance bonus(es).

Resistance Bonuses- There are four resistance types: physical, fire, magic and poison. When you combine items (armor/jewelry/weapons) in a systematic way, you can acquire a +15% bonus to a selected resistance type. They are reflected in the inventory screen, in the Sacred circle that shows your set bonuses. i.e. there are four basic kinds of armor glow: physical, fire, magic and poison.


Glow Points Requirements:

Explanation: In order to acquire a resistance bonus and its glow one needs to collect enough points, and these points are known as "glow points". The requirement is as shown below:

Resistance Type Resistance Icon Glow Points Needed
Physical 8
Fire 6
Magic 6
Poison 6

Sadly, there is no in game counter to keep track of your glow points, you have to keep track of the glow points yourself.


How to get Armor Glows and Resistance Bonuses?

There are three ways to go about getting "glow points" depending on how many resistance bonuses you want and how much work you want to put into it. These methods build off each other to get you additional glow points, so the charts with the maximum possible glow points at the end of each method is based on the assumption that you also used the methods in order without skipping any. So why do you need additional points? Well using the first method all the characters can get three bonuses at one time, but only three. Using the second method the Dark Elf, Daemon, Dwarf, Vampiress and Wood Elf can get four bonuses at one time. Lastly, using the second and third method the Battle Mage will also be able to get 4 bonuses at one time while on horseback. Also for those players who spend most of their time on horses this frees up a slot to equip anything you want regardless of its dominant resistance/damage amount. Or of course if you don't have the Unique items in method two you can use method three to get four points for all but the Battle Mage and Wood Elf. Sadly the Gladiator and the Seraphim will never be able to get all four...


The Normal Item Method

Written by: myleslhk

How to Get a Glow Point:

  1. 1 point from an armor with a dominant resistance.
  2. 1 point from a weapon with a dominant damage.
  3. 2 points from an item (armor/weapon) with a dominant resistance and a dominant damage.
  4. 1 point from a jewelry with a dominant damage/resistance.
  5. 0 point from an item with more than a single dominant damage or/and dominant resistance.
Explanation for 1: A belt with 60 physical resistance, 110 poison resistance will give you one glow point in poison.

Explanation for 2: A weapon with 100 physical damage, 50 fire damage will give you one glow point in physical.

Explanation for 3: How to get 2 points from an item? The power of socketing. We know that weapon only spawn with damage and armor with resistance. So the trick here is to socket the opposite (damage vs. resistance) into a socket. Thus, socket resistance to weapons and socket damage to armor.

Explanation for 4: Jewelry has either damage or resistance (but never both), and they cannot have sockets, so only one point is possible.

Explanation for 5: Note that on the topic of Armor Glows only the maximum damage/resistance comes into play. So on a sword with 50-70 physical and 10-70 fire damage only the 70 maximum on both are counted. And this sword will yield no glow point since it has two dominant damages. Socket comes into play on this as well. If you have a helm with 30 fire resistance it yields a glow point for fire. But if you socket a ring with 30 physical resistance into the helm it will no longer yield any glow point. To expand even further, if you socket yes another ring with 10 poison damage into this helm (with the ring), the helm now yields a glow point for poison.


Maximum Possible Glow Points for a Character Using The Normal Item Method:

Character Max Points

Battle Mage




Dark Elf










Wood Elf



The Unique Item Method

Explanation by: Therion X

The Trick is this:

This ring is for all Character Classes and gives two Glow Points at once since it has both a protection bonus and a damage bonus.

The Wood Elf has an amulet, that gives two Glow Points. With this amulet and the Sneaking Ring, she easily can get that 4-Resitance-Glow.


Maximum Possible Glow Points for a Character Using The Unique Item Method:

Character Max Points

Battle Mage




Dark Elf










Wood Elf



The Mounted Method

Explanation by: Ardanis

No trick to this one really, I just never thought to do it... When you ride your horse it's stats get added to yours and the Bridle is technically part of "your" gear! Which gives you one extra point to use towards your bonus. It is probably easiest to use your Bridle as one of your Physical points since the only Bridle I have seen so far that has any elements higher than it's Physical protection is the unique Callous Bridle which has Poison as the higher protection. The only downside to this method is that you only get that bonus point while you are actually RIDING your horse, as soon as you dismount you will lose the fourth bonus. This obviously means that the Dwarf cannot use this method since he cannot ride horses.


Maximum Possible Glow Points for a Character Using The Mounted Method:

Character Max Points

Battle Mage




Dark Elf










Wood Elf



The Auras

You can tell at a glance if any character has a Resistance bonus because of the "aura" it gets, for each Resistance type a character will glow a different color (these colors apply to any character type not just the Dwarf that I have used below):

Glow Points Needed: 6

Glow Points Needed: 6

Glow Points Needed: 8

Glow Points Needed: 6

Glow Points Needed: 12

Glow Points Needed: 12

Glow Points Needed: 12

Glow Points Needed: 14

Glow Points Needed: 14

Glow Points Needed: 14

Screenshots of the triple bonus donated by myleslhk:

Glow Points Needed: 18

Glow Points Needed: 20

Glow Points Needed: 20

Glow Points Needed: 20

Screenshots by Rotluchs.

Glow Points Needed: 26

Screenshots by NightWolfe.

Glow Points Needed: 26

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