Starting Out...


This is a guide for a brand new player JUST starting the game and wants to know the very simplest basics of creating characters, loading games and registering for a multiplayer account...


To begin with, when you first load Sacred Underworld you start at this screen:

From there you can choose from a variety of things, but we will start with the Campaigns...  Ancaria Campaign is like Part I of the game and Underworld is Part II, so if you are just starting out I would go with the Ancaria Campaign. Either way you will still get the same menu:

From there you can choose your character class, if you click on a character type you will get a brief description of what type of character they are. Then you can change their name, even going so far as to add color or images if you like, but that is for another guide. Next you can choose which difficulty level to play in, when you are first starting out you can only choose Bronze or Silver the rest you must unlock by completing a campaign with a character. I would choose Bronze for a brand new character though, Silver could get a little scary even if you aren't new to the game. The other option (if you have previous characters that you have Exported) you can Import a character into a brand new Campaign rather than starting a new character from scratch. Now click on Start Game and you are good to go.

Now if you have already started you character and coming back to play it again you want to choose Load from the main menu and you will instead get this screen:

From there you can access either auto-save games or games that you have saved manually and named whatever you want. You can also delete saved games to clean up your menu if you like. So just use the scroll bar on the right of the list till you find the game you want, click on it and then click Load and you are all set.

Next if you want to make friends and play in Multiplayer... Obviously click Multiplayer on the main menu and you will get this screen:

The description of the game types are in another guide and I am only really familiar with Closed Internet anyhow so I will show you how to set up an account there (I think it is mostly the same any one you choose). So click on Closed Internet and you will get this screen (however in yours it won't say Night_Wolfe:

This is the Log On screen and normally (once you have set up your account) it will automatically show your User Account Name and CD Keys then you just have to type you password in and click on Log on. But since you are new you want to click on New Account:

First you need to come up with a name for yourself. This not only will be your login name but it will always appear ahead of your character names in multiplayer. You will forever after be known as this name by your fellow players so choose something you won't get bored of. Next you need to choose a password and type it in twice to make sure it's correct. Then of course your CD Keys, first is your Sacred Key and second is your Underworld Key. Lastly, type in your E-mail address, this is needed if you ever have any problems and need to contact Ascaron. Make sure you choose an account you will have for a while and that you remember which one you used. It is a big hassle if you don't send E-mails to Ascaron FROM the account you wrote here...

Okay moving on, click Send when you are done, if all went well and there were no typos with your passwords or CD Keys you will get sent back to the original Log In screen and can sign in. You will then get a screen that looks just like the Single Player character screen except that all the pedestals will be empty (that is until you have created some characters), they will instead say Empty above them all. So click on the word Empty above one of them and then click New Character. That will bring you to this screen:

Just like Single Player this is the screen where you choose your first character, there is two main differences however. This first is that you don't choose a difficulty level here, that is for once you get into the multiplayer servers. The second is the small skull symbol next to your character name, that is how you choose the Hardcore Mode. If you DO NOT click on the skull then you will automatically create a character in Softcore Mode but if you want Hardcore just click it and your all set. Hardcore mode for those of you that don't know if a game mode where if you die even once the character becomes unplayable. This is really only for your more experienced Sacred players. Softcore however you can die endlessly and just be revived again.

Now the last thing you might like to know... Once you have created a character you will get sent to a screen similar to this one and any characters you have created will be on the pedestals the others will remain Empty until you fill them with a character. But when you click on a character you have already created you will get this menu under it:

You can do three things here... First you can click New Character which will OVERWRITE your current character. Second you can rename your character anytime you like but clicking the little lock symbol to the left of its name, this will unlock the name text field and you can alter it. Lastly you can Delete you character all together by clicking the red X to the right of its name.

So that covers the very basics of getting started.... enjoy and happy playing!

Wolfe's Lair WebsiteŠ copyright 2006-2009 by Lisa Dravyn
All rights reserved.