Aish-Jadar Side Quests
Seraphim Rescue II:
(This "quest" is also called Lightsaber and
is considered by most to be an Easter Egg)
This quest can only be done
if you are playing as a Seraphim and if you have also completed the Seraphim
Rescue quest in Bellevue. Both of which are quests that don't show in the Quest
Log so I named them. This part of the quest starts at a burnt out building
East of Aish-Jadar:

Upon walking into the building you will be attacked by 4 Sakkara Priests, 4 Lesser Fire Demons and some
normal ghosts and

Once you have killed them all you will be able to speak to the
dying Seraphim that is lying on the ground:

When you click OK she will drop the Book of Ancaria
and the Magic Saber of Light on the ground and then disappear:

Some say that the Magic Saber of Light will vary and you can
sometimes even get a unique version, but I have only ever seen this exact

And here is the book, as well as the Log entries if you read
