Moorbrook Side Quests



The Narcotic Witch:

This quest starts with a man who is standing outside of the Southern most building inside town:


Go Southwest of town to a small house in the woods:


Speak with the witch:


You now have a choice on how you want the quest to play out. If you choose Accept she will drain Esfahania of her youth and beauty and then reward you, you will also have to fight Sir Jost when you go back to town. If you choose Reject you will have to fight Xarana and then you can release Esfahania and bring her back to Sir Jost who rewards you for rescuing her. Here is how they play out:


Xarana will turn into a young, beautiful woman and Esfahania will turn old and ugly:

 Speak with Xarana for your reward:


You can talk to Esfahania if you want to:


When you return to town Sir Jost will attack you and unfortunately you will have to kill him:


Xarana will immediately attack you:


She will drop the cell key when she dies:

You can then release Esfahania and speak with her:

Bring her back to Sir Jost for your reward:

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