Zhurag-Nar Side Quest



The only quest in this area is actually inside an underground fortress called Gnarlstat. The fortress entrance is at the X:

Its entrance looks like this:



(There is must more to Gnarlstat but this is just to show you where the quest is.)



Buried Slaves:

This quest starts off when you enter the Dark Elves jail, just inside are some Guards:


There are many and one will drop the Cell Key, unlike most quest items it goes directly into your inventory and does not show in the Quest Item Log at all:


Speak to the man in the cell:


He will now walk over to the door and wait to speak to you again:

He will follow you to the armory here (you can see the path to reach this room in the large map of Gnarlstat):

As soon as you enter the armory he will stop and wait to speak to you again:

Now he will follow you to the kitchens here:

There he will stop once again to speak to you:

Now you have a choice to make which alters the end of the quest (big thanks to John for telling me about it!)....

If you ACCEPT:

You now need to escort a slave woman to the entrance of Gnarlstat (be very careful not to let the Dark Elves kill her, she can't fight like the Slave Leader can):


When you reach the entrance room she will stop to reward you before she leaves:


If you REJECT:

The Slave Leader will walk away towards the entrance and eventually disappear. You need to go down to the mines, check the large map at the beginning of this tutorial and look for the cave symbol just before the jail where you found the Slave Leader and take those stairs down to the next level. You will enter the mines and need to go into the very next room here:

At the quest flag you will find a slave who will take your message about the revolt and reward you:


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