JPMK12's Helpful HTML Advice
Below are several little articles filled with my thoughts, advice, and some tips and tricks for web developers.
Articles provided by JPMK12
You can view JPMK12's web development resources at
1. Common Mistakes/Oversights of Designers
2. Multi Browser Compatibility
3. Validation
4. Web Safe Colors
5. Server Messages
6. Comment Line
Multiple Browser Compatibility
One common thing with developing a web page is
incompatibility. When you design a web page, especially with php and nuke, you
need to make sure that all of the major browsers can view that page correctly.
IE, Netscape, Opera, and Mozilla are the most used browsers. I always views my
pages with different browsers to get as compatible with all of these as
possible. Don't have a one track mind when it comes to designing pages or you
could leave people wanting to view your site in the cold.
What is meant by validation?
A group of the known as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develop a set of
standards for html and other web languages. If your website complies with all of
their standards, your site is considered valid. IF your site doesn't meet the
standard, you are invalid. If you page is not valid, it may load slowly and
incorrectly. A few small errors wont cause you site to display horrible, but it
just looks nicer when you go the extra mile.
Why validate?
Validation is important for 3 reasons Browsers display Web pages and trying to
display them even if they're not legal HTML. Usually this means that the browser
will try to make educated guesses about what you probably meant. The problem is
that different browsers (or even different versions of the same browser) will
make different guesses about the same illegal construct; worse, if your HTML is
really pathological, the browser could get hopelessly confused and produce a
mangled mess, or even crash.
That's why you want to make sure your pages are legal HTML. The best way to do
that is by running your documents through one or more HTML validators.
The second reason is speed: Validation can increase the speed of loading the
documents. If your full of errors, It will take longer.
The final reason is your honor as a coder. No good coder wants to put out
something riddled with errors.
Validation is important to having a web developed site.
A free validation service can be found at
The Comment Line
The comment line can be your best friend when designing an html page.
Especially if you are new and are trying to keep your thoughts straight.
<!-- Comment --> is a comment line.
It is invisible to the browser and can only be seen when you view the source or
edit the page. You can use it to separate parts of code and keep you mind
The <!-- opens the comment. The --> closes the comment You put your words
between the <-- and the -->.
Learning to use the comment can help you a lot.