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Spyware epidemic rallies call for action

PostPosted: Mon 2006 Jun 19 11:35
by Spock

Originally Posted: 2003-02-25, 6:48 am

Spyware epidemic rallies call for actionBy John Borland, Special to ZDNet
Published on ZDNet News: February 24, 2003, 5:09 AM PT

EarthLink's technical support staff handles a variety of problems: broken networks, corrupted files, coffee spills--and, increasingly over the past few months, bitter complaints from subscribers about "spyware" and "adware."

Those persistent types of programs, frequently operating on computers without owners' knowledge, have spread quickly in the last year, evolving as rapidly as anti-spyware software has been able to find them. EarthLink executives estimate that 40 percent to 50 percent of the Internet service provider's subscribers have running on their machines some kind of advertising or more-malicious program, which often monitors their behavior and sends the data back to the software's parent company.
