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How do I add videos?

PostPosted: Sat 2007 Nov 17 5:12
by Spock
There are some new BBCode tags available above the body text box, in particular:
googlevid - This allows you to embed Google videos in your posts using the full URL of the video.
googlevidid - Enter the video ID number -- the video ID is an 18 digit number is after docid=- in the URL.
youtube - This allows you to embed Youtube videos in your posts using the full URL of the video.
youtubeid - Enter the video ID string -- the video ID string is the part after v= in the URL

Using youtube as an example:
Code: Select all

Gives us:
Code: Select all

Results in:

Hamster Dance!

Note: Don't forget to put some kind of text after the end of the tag or it may not work. An Internet entry about where the Hamster Dance came from is => HERE <=.