Region Bosses


Lower Underworld Region:



NOTE: Unless you have installed the 2.28 patch this region has a bug that prevents you from completing it. You can kill the needed amount of opponents and have the location show on your map, however, once you arrive there is a door you can not pass through to a room that holds the bosses...


Before 2.28:

Once you kill the needed amount of opponents in this region the "Clear the Hell Region" quest flag will appear in the Gathol-Fortress of Tears:

If you look at the above shot closely you can see that there is only one door leading into the room where the region bosses are waiting, this door appears to be totally normal:

Even though the door appears normal you cannot walk through it, it is as if you were walking into a wall and the door didn't exist. If you walk around to the back wall above the room that the bosses are in you can actually see them over the wall:

There are a few normal creatures from this region in the room with the bosses, but the bosses appear to be: one Acutami of the Swamps, at least one Cerebropod and at least two Anducar's Elite Guards.


After 2.28:

Yay! Since the 2.28 patch you can now reach the Lower Underworld region bosses! Rather than fix that room bug they just moved them to a different room (clearer screenshots with mini-map of room setup would be greatly appreciated if anyone can get them for me!)

Anyway here is the new location:

Here is the exact room:

3 Aducar's Elite Guards, 2 Cerebropods, 1 Dragon (Acutami):

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