Region Bosses


If you kill all the monsters in a region a group of monster bosses will spawn. They are great for experience and drops. When the monster counter (which is found after the region name when you hit tab) hits 999 that triggers the bosses to spawn. A blue quest flag will pop up on your map to tell you where to go. Below is a list of how many monsters per region and what areas are in each region. Further down will be a list of region links where you can access screenshots to show the region bosses and their locations. Note: if you leave a region the counter will reset, so make sure you know where the region line is and do not cross it.

Monster Counters per Region:

  • Southern Core Region: 7,500

  • Northern Core Region: 7,500

  • Desert Region: 8,500

  • Swamp Region: 5,500

  • Lava Region: 5,500

  • Shaddar-Nur Region: 3,500

  • Upper Underworld Region: 7,500

  • Lower Underworld Region: 7,500

  • Northern Region: 6,500

Town Locations per Region:

Southern Core: Mascarell, Bellevue, Porto Vallum, Tyr-Fasul, Faeries Crossing, Porto Draco, Florentina, Silver Creek

Northern Core: Icecreek Pass, Timberton, Slater's Grave, Wolfdale, Crow's Rock Castle, Braverock Castle, Shires Pen, Bravesbury, Hedgenton, Bravewall

Desert: Ruins of Urkuk, Urkenburgh, Oasis of Ahil-Tar, Khorad-Nur, Nomad-Nur, Aish-Jadar, Kahari

Swamp: Zhurag-Nar, Verag-Nar, Highmarsh, Gloomoor, Drakenden, Moorbrook, Mystdale Castle

Lava: Alkazaba noc Draco

Shaddar-Nur: Shaddar-Nur (which includes the "giant spider desert")

Upper Underworld: Pirate Island, Hatchet Crab Island, Volcano Island, N'Aguali, Dwarven Ruins, Esotopia, Dryad Forest, Hell's Ridge, Shaddar-Sub, Purgatori, Fungi Hillock, Garema, Embalmed Forest, the area after Alkazaba noc Draco where dragon is

Lower Underworld: Gathol-Fortress of Tears, Darkwood, Valley of Tears

Northern Region: Frostgard

If you plan to undertake the steps needed to do any of these bosses keep in mind that it will go much faster in multiplayer if you can get some help. If you choose to do single player you can not exit the game since it will reset the counter. The counter will not reset in multiplayer so long as somebody remains in the game.


Region Screenshots:

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