Moorbrook Side Quests



Special Flavor:

This quest starts with a man who is inside his house in the Northern part of town:


The quest flag will send you to the following area, but you can find the spiders all over the area so feel free to go about killing them while doing other quests:


For each Tarantula Medialis you kill a Tarantula Carapace will drop, this however is the strangest quest item drop I have ever seen. When the Carapace drops it won't show up when you hold the Alt key and it also doesn't show a name when you hold the mouse over it. So you have to look for something sparkling on the ground. Also if you hold Tab it will show as a yellow dot on the mini-map. The other strange thing is that it will only show in your Quest Item Log if you have nothing in the Log yet, and when it does show it has a picture of the item with no name on top but it still isn't listed in the item index. Very strange...


Once you have collected 10 Carapaces bring them back to the Brewer for your reward:

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