Purgatori Side Quests
The Farmer's First Prank:
This quest begins on the upper floor of the first large building on the bridge (they are not marked by white dots on the mini-map so you have to go up there to find them):

If you speak to the magician he will warn you:

Speak with the skeleton:

Give him the 1,000 gold, it is worth it in the end, despite the warning. Go down the stairs to the main floor of this building:

There you will find Kasimier:

Looks like you have been tricked... but keep going with it. Go back up the stairs, you can not speak to Thomas so instead speak to his partner Beth:

Thomas will now teleport out of the room:

You will find him in the next large building on the bridge:

Speak to him:

Again, give him the 2000 gold and go speak to Kasimier again:

Tricked again... go speak to Beth again who will only say the exact same thing as the first time you spoke to him and go find Thomas, who has moved... this time to the bottom floor of the first building (go through the door at the bottom of the stairs):

Speak to him and you will finally be rewarded:

And your reward is... 1 skill point and 1 attribute point!